Our Mission
We are a globally acting cancer research group and institution focused on cutting-edge, investigator-initiated, and academia-industry collaborative research. We provide academia and science-driven biotech a professional platform built on profound oncology expertise and powerful international networks for conducting transformative clinical studies. Our mission is to advance scientifically motivated clinical cancer research and deliver answers to long-standing clinical questions.
Years of
in Trials
Phase III
Clinical Research
Excellence In Research
The objective for our research activities is clearly set: Facilitate excellent clinical cancer research at international level to improve the treatment and quality of life of patients suffering from cancer.We are not a pharmaceutical company and therefore our real ‘product’ is the gain in scientific knowledge. This is achieved by clinical trials that focus on endpoints relevant to patients such as response rate, survival and quality of life.
Read more ...Translational Research
Translational research is an important component of our study designs. Wherever possible, we collect materials to help researchers gaining a better understanding of pathogenesis and development of cancer. Currently, we are participating in several projects and work with TR initiatives like the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK).
Precision Oncology
We specialize in improving personalized cancer therapy with our academic partners by establishing large networks and registries for molecular profiling.
Read more ...Clinical Research
Read lessPrecision Oncology
Read lessExcellence in Research
The objective for our research activities is clearly set: Facilitate excellent clinical cancer research at international level to improve the treatment and quality of life of patients suffering from cancer. We are not a pharmaceutical company and therefore the ‘product’ we offer is the gain in scientific knowledge. This is achieved by clinical trials that focus on endpoints relevant to patients such as response rate, survival and quality of life. Our mission is to design and successfully conduct such studies in close cooperation with our scientific partners. In our work, we emphasize clinical relevance and provide answers to long-standing clinical questions to make sure our studies provide improvements to the everyday life of patients.
To accomplish this, we rely on our extensive and long-standing experience in the field of investigator-initiated trials (IITs), which have been and always will be a focus of our work. Therefore, IKF Klinische Krebsforschung GmbH is often the sponsor of phase I to phase III IITs with internal or external lead investigators who are among the best experts in their fields, worldwide. Some of our studies have changed standards of care around the globe, e.g. for patients suffering from stomach or esophageal cancer. A fact which we remain to be very proud of.
Early Clinical Research
Within the last decades, we accumulated profound expertise in designing and conducting early clinical trials, including first in man studies, specifically on immunotherapeutic agents and targeted therapies. For the conduct of early clinical trials, we partner public research institutes or excellent start-up biotech companies who proved to have promising compounds and mutually develop their drugs until approval or successful out-licensing.
We specialize in improving personalized cancer therapy with our academic partners by establishing large networks and registries for molecular profiling.
Our interactive PLATON Network (Platform for Analyzing Targetable Mutations) brings together comprehensive molecular profiling, extensive clinical data of cancer patients, QoL, education, and clinical trial information to advance cancer research and treatment.
In addition, we are the anchoring point for several registries on quality of life, patient-reported outcomes, and molecular research, such as PARAGON (Platform for Outcome, Quality of Life and Translational Research on Pancreatic Cancer), GISAR (German Registry), CONGENIAL (Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Project of The German-Registry of Incidental Gallbladder Carcinoma), and PERSUASION (New Prospective Expanded German Registry of Incidental Gallbladder Carcinoma), which is a permanent platform that includes all types of biliary tract cancers (BTC). Bemara Study Public
Our data management focuses on quality control and data integrity of the clinical study database - from database setup to database lock ...
Read more ...Statistics
Statistical parameters play an important role to ensure the overall success of a clinical trial. Our statistics team is therefore already involved in the planning of the study ...
Read more ...What sets us apart
Profound Oncology Expertise: Our team of physicians, who have years of expertise and current knowledge in medical care ...
Read more ...Comprehensive Research Organization Service
Read lessDatamanagement
Read lessStatistics
Read lessWhat sets us apart
Read lessWe are a high-end completely scalable platform from full-service to tailor-made selection of tasks. These tasks include:
- Study related processes in accordance with AMG (German medicines act) and ICH-GCP
- Project design and development including complex trial designs like studies using multi-modal or interdisciplinary therapy approaches or studies with special forms/routes of study medication administration (drug targeting), budget control and assistance when applying for research funds and grants
- Onsite monitoring (Risk-based)
- Safety: SAE management, SAE second assessment, annual safety report / development safety update report (DSUR), regulatory reporting, etc.
- Medical review and electronic/manual data cleaning
- Excellent medical expertise in the development and design of clinical trial protocols, synopses, patient information, informed consent forms, operating- and process procedure descriptions
- Reporting and Publishing
We have a fully implemented quality management system (QMS) including a quality manual, SOPs, sponsor oversight (vendor qualification and audits)
Our data management focuses on quality control and data integrity of the clinical study database – from database setup to database lock. We provide the specification and development of user-friendly electronic case report forms (eCRFs) based on a well-structured database to ensure high-quality data for statistical analysis.
- Specification, eCRF design
- Randomization support
- Data management plan
- Data validation plan
- CDISC standards
- Query management
- Real-time data reports
- Data validation, eChecks
- Data cleaning
Browser-based EDC system (compliant to regulatory standards, e.g., ICH-GCP, 21 Part 11, GAMP v5)
Statistical parameters play an important role to ensure the overall success of a clinical trial. Our statistics team is therefore already involved in the planning of the study at an early phase and cooperates closely with the data management.
- Statistical considerations of study design
- Sample size calculation
- Randomization
- Statistical analysis plans
- Conduction of statistical analysis
- Interim analyses using adaptive designs
Statistical analysis reports
Profound Oncology Expertise: Our team of physicians, who have years of expertise and current knowledge in medical care, are specialized in the fields of hematology, oncology, surgical oncology, palliative medicine, supportive therapy, and human genetics. Our founders are oncologists, and this expertise is a hallmark of IKF.
Powerful Networks: With well-established networks of almost hundreds of medical institutions, the best experts in their respective fields for every disease type, and the largest academic study groups in Germany and Europe, IKF has a powerful network that sets us apart.
Patient Access: IKF provides well-established access to routine clinical oncology environments through long-term collaborations with university hospitals, other large hospitals, and private oncology practitioners.
Own Molecular Screening Platform: Our interactive and comprehensive molecular profiling network, PLATON, provides a unique opportunity to screen a sufficient number of patients with distinct genetic alterations/mutations for biomarker-based clinical trials.
Prof. Dr. med. Salah-Eddin Al-Batran
Founder and Managing Director
Tel +49 69 76 01 44 20
Fax +49 69 76 01 36 55
E-Mail: info@ikf-khnw.de
Over the span of several years our work has earned us an excellent reputation in the field of oncology studies. But this is not solely a consequence of the groundbreaking scientific results we could achieve in close cooperation with our research partners. We owe our success largely to the extraordinary efforts, smartness, and sense of responsibility among our employees. Our staff is dynamic, multidisciplinary and highly experienced. The background of our employees often comprises a high degree (PhD) in medical or natural sciences. Beside medical professionals, our team comprises biologists, a human biologist, bioinformaticians, data managers, monitors (clinical research associates), a statisticians, chemists, and an epidemiologist. We speak over 10 different languages (including English, French and Italian). Members of our staff aim to form sustainable and long-term professional relationships with our partners. That enables us to meet challenges effectively. Our partners benefit from this approach as well as from the professional expertise, the sound scientific background of our employees and their excellent network and acceptance within the scientific community.
Phase-I Unit
Our cooperating phase I unit at Northwest Hospital in Frankfurt/ University Cancer Center Frankfurt offers up to 12 in- or day patient beds with full access to the intensive and emergency care units. Most patients who are treated in our phase I unit participate in phase I trials, but also phase II or phase III participants may be treated in the phase I unit in case of very complex trial procedures. The phase I unit is part of the University Cancer Center Frankfurt (UCT) and has access to associated biomarker networks like TRON, Stratifyer, the Immunological Research labs and several pathology departments etc.
Four treatment rooms with 3 beds each
A modern multi-purpose room
On site lab for clinical diagnostics and adequate processing of trial materials and specimen
Mobile IT, ultrasound and ECG equipment
Modern standard emergency equipment
In-house emergency care and both medical and surgical intensive care units
24 hours resuscitation team on duty
In-house pharmacy, institutes of radiology and interventional radiology, neuroradiology and pathology, departments for oncology and radiation oncology, central lab, endoscopy and interventional endoscopy
IKF has established partnerships with several and powerful academic research groups. Our collaboration with these groups enables us to offer a wide range of clinical research services, including wide expertise in oncology as well as access to patient care, cutting-edge research technologies and methodologies. Together with our partners, we are committed to advancing the field of clinical research and improving
patient outcomes.
Research Groups:
AIO Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie
European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer (ESPAC)
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
FIRE Study Group for colorectal cancer
German Anal Cancer Study Group
German Group of Incidental Gallbladder Cancer
German Liver Cancer Study Group
German Rectum Study Group
German Sarcoma Study Group
Gruppo Oncologico dell’Italia Meridionaleand (GOIM)
Heidelberg Thoracic Oncology Group (HeiTOG)
Nord-Ostdeutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologische Onkologie (NOGGO e.V.)
Long-term collaborations with researchers at:
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Technical University of Munich
Thoraxklinik Heidelberg
University of Heidelberg
University of Leipzig
Legal Disclosure
Concept and Contents
Frankfurter Institut für Klinische Krebsforschung IKF GmbH
Steinbacher Hohl 2-26
60488 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 69 – 76 01 44 20
Fax: +49 69 – 76 01 36 55
E-Mail: albatran@ikf-khnw.de
Website: ikf-khnw.de
Commercial Register: HRB 109651
Register Court: Frankfurt am Main
VAT-ID: DE314151788
Registered seat of the company: Frankfurt am Main
Managing Director: Prof. Dr. med. Salah-Eddin Al-Batran
Realization and technical maintenance of the website: Omar Musa
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Frankfurter Institut für Klinische Krebsforschung IKF GmbH
Steinbacher Hohl 2-26
60488 Frankfurt am Main
Tel +49 69 76 01 44 20
Fax +49 69 76 01 36 55
E-Mail: info@ikf-khnw.de