
Dr. rer. med. Johanna Riedel

Lead Project Manager

Dr. Riedel holds a degree in medicine from Goethe University Frankfurt where she graduated in 2006 at the Institute of Neurology. She studied prolyl hydroxylases in the physiology of glioblastoma. She switched to industry right after graduation where she gained first insights into clinical trials working as a Clinical Research Associate at Ecron Acunova GmbH and then deepened her knowledge in the same company as a Project Manager and Senior Project Manager. She has in-depth experience in planning and conducting clinical trials (regulatory, operational and administrative aspects) based on almost 15 years of working in the field of clinical trial management. She joined the IKF in June 2019 as a Lead Project Manager where she supervises several investigator initiated trials in different tumor entities like lung, liver, kidney, colorectal and soft tissue cancer.
